ARCHWAY TOWER DEVELOPMENT – have your say (click picture for details)

Park users can find out how the area might be affected by the proposed development by Seven Capital of the Archway Campus at the bottom of Highgate Hill in Islington. At the website that has been set up by the community you can sign a petition and find out other avenues for you to have your say. The Friends are represented with other local associations on the Archway Tower group so we can pass on any views about the project sent to
The proposed tower of 36 storeys to provide 300 units for student accommodation contravenes Islington’s own tall building strategy and will dominate the skyline to the City from many vantage points (the picture shows an artist’s impression of the tower seen from Waterlow Park). Apart from the tower, local groups in Camden, Islington and Haringey are also objecting to other aspects of the development because it provides only minimal amounts of low cost housing that is needed in the borough for key workers and their families. Student accommodation, though lucrative for developers, is already (according to Islington’s own data) over-provided in the borough.
More information is at https://highgatesociety. com/archway-campus-holborn- union-site/
The developer’s website is https://www.archwaycampus.
The developer’s website is https://www.archwaycampus.