From London Borough of Camden Parks team:
We welcome responsible dog owners and their pets into Waterlow Park. We know it’s important for dog owners to get their daily exercise as well as their furry friends.
We do however want to remind visitors that dogs shouldn’t be within the infant or children’s play areas, on any of the ornamental borders, in the kitchen garden, the nature conservation area at the top pond or the tennis courts.
We also ask that as well as being responsible dog owners they are considerate to other park users and respectful to those working within the park.
What does it mean to be a considerate dog owner?
Please respect that others do not necessarily love your dog as much as you do. For example they may not appreciate your dog running towards them ‘to say hello’ even if it is the sweetest dog in the world. Make sure people greet your dog if and when they want, not because it is constantly running up to them without the dog being under control.
Pick up after your dog when they relieve themselves. It’s not the nicest task but it’s part of being a dog owner and keeps Waterlow Park a special place for all to visit.
Even though you don’t have to have your dog on a lead when visiting Waterlow Park, make sure it is under control. It’s nice to have a chat but your focus should still be on where and what your dog is doing in case you need to intervene and help if there are problems. There may be situations where it is appropriate to keep your dog on a lead, for example at Lauderdale House where children and infants frequently play on the grassy area and it is respectful that dogs not be allowed to wee or defecate on the grass.
Make sure to ask if it is okay for your dog to greet other dogs before it is sniffing another dog’s behind. Your dog may well be the nicest dog in the world but you have no idea about the other dog.
We do hope that you continue to enjoy using Waterlow Park and help to keep the place a friendly location for all visitors.
If you do have any question about Waterlow Park, please email us at